物理材料领域 博导招生 (全奖免学费)

本人导师招生,人非常好,感兴趣直接联系我导师,不好意思的也可以先联系我:[email protected]




Jesus, Carrete 维也纳工业大学,材料化学学院, 热电计算领域大佬,长得帅,人也非常好。


[email protected]




-较好英语沟通能力 (面试老师自行判断)-对软件开发,代码感兴趣,具有一定的编程基础-具有材料 化学 物理 等相关专业的硕士文凭


维也纳同等的博士工资,每个月税前2300 (大概),共36个月。办公室宽敞舒适,科研条件重组,免费的咖啡,学习氛围很融洽,关键所有组员都很善良哦。

具体内容请访问招生主页, 欢迎加入,快快来报名吧!!!!


Fully funded PhD position at TU Wien (Vienna) to develop computational techniques to study thermal transport in chalcogenide nanotubes

A PhD position is available at the Institute of Materials Chemistry of TU Wien. The project is focused on the development of symmetry-adapted computational methods to study phonon bands and lattice thermal transport in subperiodic quasi-1D structures, followed by their application to chalcogenide nanotubes.
Funding from this position comes from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) as part of the recently approved project PULGON (Phonons Understood via Line Groups Of Nanomaterials). The salary is commensurate with FWF guidelines for a doctoral candidate position (14 monthly salaries per year). The contract will have a duration of 36 months, and we seek to fill the position as soon as possible.
The successful candidate will work with the rest of the PULGON team to create a software implementation of line groups and their representations. They will then use that formalism to analyze the phonon band structure of several families of chalcogenide nanotubes. This will be complemented by molecular-dynamics simulations, backed by neural-network force fields developed in the group, to study thermal transport in those same systems.

Admission requirements: Master's degree in physics, materials science, chemistry or a related discipline, or an equivalent university degree from Austria or abroad.
Other qualifications: Good English communication skills, interest in software development.

We offer a stimulating work environment in a cutting-edge research setting, a friendly work atmosphere and a high degree of independence.

If interested, please send your application as a single pdf file to [email protected].

Your submission should include a motivation letter and a curriculum vitae (including evidence of desired qualifications), as well as the contact details of 2 possible references.
TU Wien is striving to

发布者: @墨鱼社区,原文链接:https://info.moreyu.com/archives/5536

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上一篇 2022年9月28日 下午7:14




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